
Morgellons is a controversial and poorly understood condition in which unusual thread-like fibers appear under the skin. The patient may feel like something is crawling, biting, or stinging all over.
Some medical experts say Morgellons is a physical illness. Others suggest it is a type of psychosis called "delusional parasitosis," in which a person thinks parasites have infected their skin.
Your doctor may call it an "unexplained dermopathy," which means a skin condition that occurs without a known reason. Other medical professionals have dubbed the condition "fiber disease."

Symptoms of Morgellons

Unpleasant skin sensations are the main complaint. People with Morgellons may also complain of:
  • Feeling like bugs are crawling all over the skin.
  • Burning or stinging sensations under the skin.
  • Intense itching.
  • Skin sores that appear suddenly and heal slowly.
  • Sores that leave very red (hyperpigmented) scars.
Some patients report thread-like fibers stuck in the skin.
People with Morgellons sometimes complain of other symptoms which may include:
  • Difficulty paying attention and concentrating
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Hair loss
  • Joint and muscle pain
  • Nervous system problems
  • Tooth loss
  • Sleep problems
  • Short-term memory loss

Treatment of Morgellons

There is no known cure for Morgellons. Treating any medical or psychiatric problems that occur at the same time as Morgellons may help ease Morgellons symptoms in some patients.
A team of medical researchers at the Mayo Clinic also recommend that patients with these symptoms should undergo psychiatric evaluation.

Who Gets Morgellons

In the past, few doctors had heard of Morgellons. But in response to scattered reports, the CDC worked together with several other health care agencies to investigate this condition. Most reports came from California, Texas, and Florida, although patients have been seen in all 50 states.
The CDC study found that Morgellons is most likely to affect middle-aged white women.
Many of the patients in the CDC study showed signs of being obsessively concerned about health problems in general. This is called somatic concerns.
About half of the people in the study had other health problems, including depression and drug abuse.

NOTE: The above information is for processing purpose. The information provided herein should not be used during any medical emergency or for the diagnosis or treatment of any medical condition. DISCLAIMER: This information should not substitute for seeking responsible, professional medical care.


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